Accounts Payable & Receivable Services

Streamline financial operations, cash flow management, enhance accuracy and improve vendor relationships with our customized AP & AR solutions.

Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable Services Company
Achievements of Integrative Systems

What brings you here?

Experiencing delays in invoice processing due to manual accounts payable processes?

Missing payments or duplicate payments being rolled out due to inability in managing multiple vendors and suppliers?

Strained vendor relationships and financial losses due to lack of centralized AP processes?

Strained customer relationships leading to disrupted cash flow, bad debt, higher collection costs?

Facing difficulties in identifying patterns, and recurring issues due to lack of workflow automation?

Connect with our Experts
to get all Your Answers

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    Why Invest in Accounts Payable and Receivable Services?

    94% -of businesses experience a negative impact due to late payments!

    As a finance leader, you don’t want to be in that spot where you lose earnest vendor partnerships due to delayed payments, do you?
    All you need is an effective vendor management process in accounts payable!

    (Reference – Dun & Bradstreet Payment Study)

    1.5% to 2% -An average of total revenue being written off as uncollectible!

    Writing off the revenue as uncollectible is a heartburn to take, isn’t it? As a finance leader, you should always make an effort to keep the cash flow healthy with your customers paying invoices on time, don’t you?

    (Reference – Study by Atradius)

    15-20 Hrs -Average time spent weekly by businesses on collection activities!

    This equates approximately to three business days!

    As a finance leader, do you find it worth wasting your team’s productivity on tasks like collection while high-value tasks are suffering?

    (Reference – Dun & Bradstreet)

    Accounts Payable and Receivable Services We Offer

    Accounts Payable Services

    Accounts Payable is not just a transaction-oriented function. With the modernized business outlook, it’s a strategic business function that focuses on managing business capital efficiently to foster vendor partnerships.

    List of Accounts Payable Services Offered:

    Invoice processing and management

    Vendor management and communication

    Payment scheduling and execution

    Expense Reporting and analysis

    Purchase order management

    Data entry and verification

    Reconciliation of accounts payable records

    Compliance and audit support

    Vendor payment dispute resolution

    Document management and storage

    Invoice Processing:

    Invoice scanning

    Invoice indexing

    Invoice validation

    Inter-company invoice processing

    Non-PO/Expense invoices processing

    Travelling & expense invoice booking

    Freight invoices processing

    Invoices stuck in the error queues.

    Identifying duplicate invoices

    Clearing out-of-balance invoices

    3-WAY Matching & Vendor Management

    3-way & 2-way matching, releasing the invoices for payment

    Payment processing of PO & Non-PO invoices

    Payments: Manual payments, Prepayments, Check payments, Check void and reissue, Wire payments, ACH payments

    Managing Vendor accounts and resolving queries

    Reconciliation: Vendor statement reconciliation, Inter-company reconciliation, GR/IR reconciliation (inventory reconciliation)

    Manual Clearing

    Supplier support via calls & emails

    Vendor maintenance -new vendor creation, Address change, ACH set up, Change in banking details, Reactivation, Vendor merge/Factor Relationship, Vendor verification.

    Month-end activities - Accruals & Provision

    Vendor Debit balance working -Preparing debit balance letter.

    Requesting refunds, resolving queries related to Dr balance, Sending warnings for collection letters.


    Chargebacks & Credits

    Credit memo processing

    Credit reconciling

    Chargebacks adjustment


    Accounts Receivable Services

    Are you losing even a percent of revenue as uncollectible or marking it as a bad debt? 

    You don’t need to do this, anymore! 

    With our dedicated accounts receivable services, you will be at peace with your worries about collectibles. 

    List of Accounts Receivable Services:

    Invoice generation and delivery

    Customer billing and payment processing

    Collection and dunning letter management

    Cash application and reconciliation

    Customer account management

    Aging analysis and reporting

    Customer credit management

    Payment reminder and follow-up

    Bad debt management and recovery

    Compliance with invoicing and taxation regulations

    Invoice / Credit memo issuance

    Payment /Cash application

    Reconciliation: Debtors/Customer reconciliation & Bank Reconciliation

    Collection letters

    Customer service: Solving queries & providing support via calls & emails

    Processing Sales returns

    Customer aging reports and follow-ups

    Manual Clearing

    Accounts Payable Services

    Accounts Payable is not just a transaction-oriented function. With the modernized business outlook, it’s a strategic business function that focuses on managing business capital efficiently to foster vendor partnerships.

    List of Accounts Payable Services Offered:

    Invoice processing and management
    Vendor management and communication
    Payment scheduling and execution
    Expense reporting and analysis
    Purchase order management
    Data entry and verification
    Reconciliation of accounts payable records
    Compliance and audit support
    Vendor payment dispute resolution
    Document management and storage

    Invoice Processing:

    Invoice scanning
    Invoice indexing
    Invoice validation
    Inter-company invoice processing
    Non-PO/Expense invoices processing
    Travelling & expense invoice booking
    Freight invoices processing
    Invoices stuck in the error queues.
    Identifying duplicate invoices
    Clearing out-of-balance invoices

    3-WAY Matching & Vendor Management

    3-way & 2-way matching, releasing the invoices for payment
    Payment processing of PO & Non-PO invoices
    Payments: Manual payments, Prepayments, Check payments, Check void and reissue, Wire payments, ACH payments
    Managing Vendor accounts and resolving queries
    Reconciliation: Vendor statement reconciliation, Inter-company reconciliation, GR/IR reconciliation (inventory reconciliation)
    Manual Clearing
    Supplier support via calls & emails
    Vendor maintenance -new vendor creation, Address change, ACH set up, Change in banking details, Reactivation, Vendor merge/Factor Relationship, Vendor verification.
    Month-end activities - Accruals & Provision
    Vendor Debit balance working -Preparing debit balance letter.
    Requesting refunds, resolving queries related to Dr balance, Sending warnings for collection letters.


    Chargebacks & Credits

    Credit memo processing
    Credit reconciling
    Chargebacks adjustment

    Accounts Receivable Services

    Are you losing even a percent of revenue as uncollectible or marking it as a bad debt? 

    You don’t need to do this, anymore! 

    With our dedicated accounts receivable services, you will be at peace with your worries about collectibles. 

    List of Accounts Receivable Services:

    Invoice generation and delivery
    Customer billing and payment processing
    Collection and dunning letter management
    Cash application and reconciliation
    Customer account management
    Aging analysis and reporting
    Customer credit management
    Payment reminder and follow-up
    Bad debt management and recovery
    Compliance with invoicing and taxation regulations
    Invoice / Credit memo issuance
    Payment /Cash application
    Reconciliation: Debtors/Customer reconciliation & Bank Reconciliation
    Collection letters
    Customer service: Solving queries & providing support via calls & emails
    Processing Sales returns
    Customer aging reports and follow-ups

    Manual Clearing


    Holistic reconciliation solutions to manage your financial records effortlessly.

    Accounts Payable Reconciliation

    Inter-company reconciliation is another capability, that we offer.
    To ensure consistent & frictionless internal procedures and foster stronger and long-term vendor partnerships.

    Accounts Receivable Reconciliation

    Settlement services, month-end operations, and effective cash-flow management are some additional capabilities, that we offer. To help you streamline payment procedures & foster stronger customer relationships.

    • Invoice reconciliation
    • Payment reconciliation
    • Aging report reconciliation
    • Vendor statement reconciliation
    • Sales reconciliation
    • Aging report reconciliation
    • Customer payment reconciliation
    • Customer statement reconciliation


    Holistic reconciliation solutions to manage your financial records effortlessly.
    • Invoice Reconciliation
    • Payment Reconciliation
    • Aging report reconciliation
    • Vendor Statement Reconciliation

    Accounts Payable Reconciliation

    Inter-company reconciliation is another capability, that we offer. To ensure consistent & frictionless internal procedures and foster stronger and long-term vendor partnerships.

    • Sales Reconciliation
    • Aging Report Reconciliation
    • Customer Payment Reconciliation
    • Customer Statement Reconciliation

    Accounts Receivable Reconciliation

    Settlement services, month-end operations, and effective cash-flow management are some additional capabilities, that we offer. To help you streamline payment procedures & foster stronger customer relationships.

    • Invoice Reconciliation
    • Payment Reconciliation
    • Aging report reconciliation
    • Vendor Statement Reconciliation

    Accounts Payable Reconciliation

    Inter-company reconciliation is another capability, that we offer. To ensure consistent & frictionless internal procedures and foster stronger and long-term vendor partnerships.

    • Sales Reconciliation
    • Aging Report Reconciliation
    • Customer Payment Reconciliation
    • Customer Statement Reconciliation

    Accounts Receivable Reconciliation

    Settlement services, month-end operations, and effective cash-flow management are some additional capabilities, that we offer. To help you streamline payment procedures & foster stronger customer relationships.

    Payment Processing

    Payment processing is yet another overhead, that comes with great responsibility.

    An inch here and there, and you land a hunch on your reputation.

    All you need is the right accounts payable and receivable service partner – whom you can trust!

    Payment Processing

    Payment processing is yet another overhead, that comes with great responsibility.

    An inch here and there, and you land a hunch on your reputation.

    All you need is the right accounts payable and receivable service partner – whom you can trust!


    We start with verifying the accuracy and validity of the invoices received and proceed to the payment schedule based on due dates.


    The invoices are then sent for approval to the relevant departments or individuals based on the organization's approval hierarchy.


    Approved and verified invoices are scheduled for payment based on the organization's payment terms, cash flow, and vendor payment policies.


    Payments are processed through the chosen payment method, such as electronic funds transfer (EFT), checks, or other payment systems.


    The team reconciles the payment records with the bank statements to ensure accurate and complete payment processing.


    All invoices, approvals, payment receipts, and reconciliation records, are filed and stored for future reference and audit purposes.

    Vendor Management

    Vendor management plays a crucial role in both accounts payable and accounts receivable processes.

    It involves establishing and maintaining relationships with suppliers and vendors to ensure smooth transactions, efficient financial management, streamlined operations and fostering of long-term partnerships.

    Purchase Orders

    Purchase orders are created timely, and tracked diligently. So that, the vendors are communicated about the order confirmation.

    Invoice Processing

    Invoices are matched with purchase orders before processing. This avoids discrepancies in adhering to the approval workflows.

    Vendor Relationships

    We uphold vendor relationships to ensure streamlined operations & dispute- free, long-term vendor partnerships.

    Vendor Insights

    Vendor performance is monitored based on invoice accuracy, timely delivery & responsiveness to inquiries.

    Manage Contracts

    Vendor contracts are negotiated, managed, and renewed adhering to the set compliances with terms & conditions.

    Risk Management

    Risks are analyzed and managed with effective vendor assessments based on vendor financial stability & data security measures.

    Fraud Detection

    As a part of our account payable and receivable services, we can implement rigorous measures and utilize tools to detect and deter fraudulent behavior, to safeguard your organization’s financial assets.

    Invoice Fraud

    Frauds like inflated or duplicate invoices, fictitious vendors, and altered payment details or any other irregularities are identified.

    Payment Fraud

    Unauthorized payments, check tampering, or fraudulent wire transfers can be detected through implementing robust payment monitoring processes.

    Vendor Fraud

    Any signs of vendor fraud, such as collusion, kickbacks, or ghost vendors are identified by periodically reviewing existing vendor records.

    Employee Fraud

    Embezzlement, unauthorized access to financial systems, and manipulation of financial records are identified through internal control and periodic audits.


    Unusual patterns, outliers, or suspicious transactions that may indicate fraudulent activities are identified by analyzing large volumes of data.


    We implement robust internal controls, segregate duties, conduct regular audits, and employee training on fraud awareness and prevention.

    Why Choose Accounts Payable and Receivable Services from Integrative?

    We leverage our experience and expertise to help you achieve nothing less than excellence with our top-notch accounts payable and receivable services.

    15+ years of experience
    Years in Service
    With over 15+ years of experience, we specialize in accounts payable and receivable services, journal entries & reconciliations.
    Top-Notch Expertise
    Top-Notch Expertise
    Experts with 5 to 15 years of experience offering end-to-end accounts payable and accounts receivable solutions, that are holistic & tailored to your needs.
    Customer First Policy
    Customer First Policy
    Our commitment to keeping our customers first makes us the first choice amongst competing service partners.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is the importance of efficient accounts payable and receivable management?

    Ans: With the help of a reliable accounts payable and receivable services company, you get to streamline your vendor & customer payments. Apt payment processing ensures that you foster lasting vendor partnerships and customer relationships. And besides the relationship part, you start practicing superior control of financial operations.

    2. How can your services streamline our accounts payable processes?

    Ans: To ensure that we achieve complete accuracy and transparency with our accounts payable services, we practice a 3-way and 2-way matching mechanism. We also encourage the best practices to be followed whilst managing the vendor master data. In order to support your vendor queries with prompt responses, we have a vendor help desk in place.

    3. What benefits can we expect from outsourcing accounts receivable services?

    Ans: Outsourcing accounts receivable services can bring you multifarious benefits such as improved and regularized inward cash flow, declining bad debt or collectibles, fostering customer relationships, and opportunities to focus on core business objectives.

    4. How do you handle disputed invoices?

    Ans: We have a specialized team of experts that handles disputed invoices quickly and effectively, collaborating with vendors and customers to find amicable solutions and minimize disruptions to your cash flow.

    5. Can you provide insights into our financial performance through accounts payable and receivable data?

    Ans: Yes, certainly. It’s not something that you ask for, but something that we offer as part of accounts payable and receivable service. We offer you detailed insights into your financial performance, vendor and customer payment patterns, and trends. We believe this helps you in building better vendor partnerships and customer relationships.

    Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] & we will be happy to help you.
    We look forward to prioritizing your success and transforming the way you do business.

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