Dynamics 365 implementation services

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    Are you Planning for Dynamics 365 Implementation? Read this!

    Are you aware?

    The market for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, which includes Microsoft Dynamics 365, is set to reach $78.40 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 7.6% ~ As per Grand View Research.

    This is a clear sign that businesses worldwide are heavily investing in Dynamics 365 implementation, to achieve operational supreme.

    Are you planning to invest in Microsoft Dynamics 365?


    But, have you ever wondered, within a bunch of your competitors already thriving with successful D365 implementations, how will you ensure your implementation success?

    Thinking “What would make a difference?”

    A strategic approach to implement MS D365 with the help of a professional MS Dynamics 365 implementation partner

    Uncertain if you should opt for professional MS Dynamics 365 services or not?

    Hold on to that thought!

    Let us answer all your questions through this blog which talks about:

    • What’s D365 and its implementation?
    • What are you missing out on without Microsoft Dynamics 365 services?
    • How Dynamics 365 partner sets you up for success with a strategic approach?
    • With a Bonus – Questions to ask while qualifying the right Dynamics 365 Solutions Partner.

    Let’s get going to make the most of your time here.

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    What is Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Dynamics 365 Implementation?

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a comprehensive cloud-based software suite featuring smart business applications designed to provide excellent operational efficiency and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

    It comes with a unified package of Human Capital Management (HCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) products complemented by business intelligence and artificial intelligence capabilities.

    Microsoft Dynamics implementation is a process of configuring and deploying these applications within your business operations to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and improve customer experiences.

    For instance, by implementing D365, a retail company can combine inventory, sales, marketing, finance, and customer service functions to create a single source of truth, streamline operations, enrich customer experience, and cut down on operational costs.

    dynamics 365 implementation

    This is about Dynamics 365 implementation.

    The next question to consider is – “Whom should you trust for your D365 implementation project?”

    A Dynamics 365 enthusiast or a Certified Microsoft partner?

    Your question holds weight.

    While it may sound logical to rely on Dynamics 365 enthusiast, it’s important to consider the drawbacks of relying on self-proclaimed experts.

    Realize that –

    • They may be good at Dynamics 365 implementation, but they’re not the best.
    • They may be vulnerable to the illusion of knowledge.
    • They may bring risk of misinformation.
    • They may lack accountability for their claims.
    • They may fail to recognize knowledge gaps.

    On the flip side, partnering with a Certified Microsoft Partner paints a different picture altogether –

    • They offer ready access to specialized talent.
    • They provide a professional perspective.
    • They maximize opportunity cost.
    • They carry built-in accountability.
    • They bear no risk of misinformation.
    • They recognize knowledge gaps and strive to erase them.

    Pivoting these insights, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 service provider devises a core strategy to streamline the MS Dynamics 365 implementation process for you.

    Still uncertain?

    Up next, let’s dive into what you are missing by not choosing to partner with a professional Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner. 

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    What Are You Missing by Not Choosing MS Dynamics Implementation Services?

    One line answer to this question is the opportunity to –

    • Utilize the full potential of MS D365
    • Increase the chances of success
    • Improve customer relationships
    • Access to in-depth data insights
    • And ultimately the chance to devise your business growth.

    Let’s understand this better with the help of an illustration.

    Imagine you’re the CEO of a retail company dealing with complex business operations and considering implementing Dynamics 365 CRM.

    Partnering with a Dynamics 365 Enthusiast:

    You decide to partner with a self-proclaimed Dynamics 365 enthusiast who promises to have a thorough understanding of the platform.

    However, as the Dynamics CRM implementation project advances, you encounter challenges due to the enthusiast’s half-baked knowledge, and   incapability to solve complex implementation challenges due to lack of practical experience.

    This further complicates your project, resulting in errors, delays, and potentially higher costs to rectify blunders.

    Learning from your past mistake, this time, you decide to partner with a reputed Dynamics 365 implementation service provider.

    Partnering with a certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Consulting partner:

    With specialized expertise and experience in offering Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation services, the consultants guide you through every step of the way, from conception to planning to configuration to deployment.

    Their profound experience ensures early identification of pitfalls before they escalate into a challenge, minimizing risk while maximizing the chances of success of Dynamics 365 implementation.

    As a result, your project is completed efficiently, well on time, and within budget, empowering your organization to make the most of the implementation.

    When you partner with trusted D365 implementation partners –

    • They go the extra mile
    • They produce true value for your business
    • They fill in the gaps with the required expertise

    Long story short – Instead of joining hands with a Dynamics Enthusiast, investing in the expertise of a certified Microsoft Dynamics implementation partner proves to be a smarter choice.

    By now, we’re certain that you’ve got the answer to your questionWhom should you trust for your D365 implementation project?”

    Don’t take it from us, just because we are certified Microsoft Partners!

    Of course, you can learn from your experience, and choose the best deal for your organization.

    But it may come at a hefty cost.

    So why reinvent the wheel when a capable Dynamics 365 implementation services provider can save you from a costly affair?

    Now, that you are aware of why teaming up with a Dynamics 365 Solutions partner makes better sense, let’s look at how a MS Dynamics 365 implementation partner ensures success.

    Get in Touch Today

    How D365 Solutions Partner Sets You Up for Implementation Success?

    The answer to this question lies in the ‘process’.

    Irrespective of the complexity of your Dynamics 365 implementation project, the right Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions partner sticks to the proven process, ensuring smooth execution and successful outcomes, without dropping the balls.

    Let’s take a sneak peek into the process practised by the qualified Dynamics 365 experts:

    1. Building the ‘Plan’

    First things first.

    The D365 experts begin the process by building a high-level strategic plan for the D365 implementation.

    They begin with –

    • Your purpose to adopt Microsoft Dynamics 365
    • Is it solely to support specific operations like marketing or finance?
    • Or the primary goal is to improve and enhance customer experience?
    • Or perhaps the focus is on boosting the overall efficiency of your business operations?

    This exercise ensures that the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 aligns perfectly with your vision and business objectives.

    2. Choosing the Right Team for Dynamics 365 Implementation

    After understanding the why and crafting the plan, their next task is to select the internal champions.

    For a successful implementation, the D365 partners assemble a team of Dynamics 365 experts and consultants with a mix of expertise and skills.

    For instance, for a Dynamics CRM implementation centered around marketing and sales, the team may include experts proficient in CRM, marketing automation, data analytics, and lead management.

    And this doesn’t end here.

    Once the project team is finalized, the Dynamics 365 implementation consultants identify infrastructure gaps, conduct team training on requirement specifications, and proceed with the implementation process.

    By the end of this phase, you get a clearly defined functional process model and a dedicated project team.

    3. Design Phase

    After building a team of D365 professionals and experts, the consultants move up a step forward into the design phase of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation.

    This phase involves –

    • Customization of modules and workflows and migrating your data to Dynamics 365.
    • Ensuring compatibility through D365 implementation best practices.
    • Facilitating seamless data flow.
    • Ensuring data integrity, accuracy, and compliance during data migration.
    • Enhancing usability and designing an intuitive interface for smooth adoption.
    • Defining a comprehensive testing plan and validate the solution thoroughly.
    • Addressing security concerns, if any.

    4. Development Phase

    After fulfilling the design aspect of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation project, the next task is the development.

    In this phase, the team of Dynamics 365 experts and consultants start connecting the dots and focuses primarily on the following objectives:

    • Translate design into action.
    • Customize Dynamics 365 to fulfill special requirements.
    • Write code, configuring workflows, and automation.
    • Integrate D365 with third-party applications and systems.
    • Conduct thorough testing and debugging.
    • Collaborate closely with your stakeholders for feedback.
    • Document the development process.

    5. Deployment Phase

    Now it’s time to go live!

    In this crucial phase, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions experts emphasize on smooth transition with go-live support.

    It involves:

    • Conducting final system inspections and verifications.
    • Immediately addressing issues or concerns, if any.
    • Adapting to Plan B in place in case of a critical emergency.
    • Providing go-live support for users.
    • Observing system performance post-deployment.
    • Planning and executing training for the end users.
    • Documenting deployment processes.

    6. Post-Implementation Support for Microsoft Dynamics 365

    After successfully launching Microsoft Dynamics 365, the next step involves offering end-to-end post-implementation support.

    Your dedicated Microsoft Dynamics implementation service providers ensure to-

    • Assess the system and identify post-deployment challenges
    • Establish a help desk for ongoing support.
    • Implement the user feedback ensuring seamless user adoption.

    It doesn’t end there.

    The Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner stays in touch with you for further upgrades, along with consistent 365 x 24 x 7 active support to keep your system updated with the latest features.

    Now, as you are aware of the process that Microsoft Dynamics 365 consulting partners devise to set you up for implementation success, you need a reliable partner to turn your vision into reality.

    Next on the agenda: uncovering the key questions that will help you in sorting the wheat from the chaff when selecting the right Microsoft Dynamics 365 service provider.

    Talk To Our Experts

    What are the Key Questions to Ask Your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementation Partners?

    Although Microsoft Dynamics implementation is a one-off project, choosing the right Microsoft Dynamics 365 service provider is a long-term investment that extends beyond implementation.

    So, what questions can you ask to dig under their sales pitch?

    Try these:

    1. Which industry do you specialize in?
    2. What’s your area of expertise in D365?
    3. What’s your experience concerned with Microsoft Stack?
    4. Does Microsoft trust you?
    5. How many of your projects failed, and why?
    6. How will the Dynamics 365 implementation proceed?
    7. What are your resources?
    8. How will Dynamics 365 be licensed?
    9. How will you take care of data migration?
    10. How do you plan to ensure end-to-end user adoption?
    11. What are your pre- and post-deployment Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation services?
    12. Who are the clients from this industry you’ve previously worked with?

    These questions will help you better align with your MS Dynamics 365 implementation partner and guarantee the implementation success.

    Are you looking for an expert Microsoft Dynamics 365 consulting services and implementation services provider in the USA?

    Look no further than Integrative Systems.

    Integrative Systems: Your Trusted Dynamics 365 Implementation Services Partner

    Whether you’re planning to invest in Dynamics 365 Implementation services or halfway through the implementation process, our team of Microsoft Dynamics 365 experts has seen it all and done it all.

    With proven expertise and about 10+ years of experience as a certified Microsoft Partner, we would take immense pride in joining hands with you to bring your vision to reality and make your Dynamics 365 investment worthwhile.

    Have questions for us?

    Reach out to us at [email protected] and we shall get back to you within 2 business days.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Is Dynamics 365 an ERP or CRM?

    Microsoft Dynamics 365 comes with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Human Capital Management (HCM), Business Intelligence (BI), and Artificial intelligence (AI) components.

    It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it the ultimate business ecosystem for modern-day businesses.

    2. What are the Phases in Dynamics 365 Implementation?

    Primarily, the implementation of D365 is divided into 5 phases.

    1. Analysis phase
    2. Designing phase
    3. Development phase
    4. Deployment phase
    5. Post-GO-live support phase

    3. Can Microsoft 365 Be Launched On-Premises?

    Businesses can launch Microsoft 365 both on the cloud and on-premises for greater control.

    4. How to Calculate MS Dynamics 365 Implementation Cost?

    The cost of D365 implementation depends on:

    • Size of the project
    • Your choice of Microsoft Dynamics 365 service provider
    • Their team of professionals
    • Number of licenses and modules required
    • Customizations and integrations.

    For better clarity, connect with our experts at Contact Us.

    5. How Is MS D365 Licensed?

    There are several licensing options available as per your business.

    1. On-Premises Licenses
    2. Team Member Licenses (TMLs)
    3. User Subscription Licenses (USLs)
    4. Device Subscription Licenses (DSLs)
    5. Application Subscription Licenses (ASLs)

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        One Reply to “Are you Planning for Dynamics 365 Implementation? Read this!”

        • Michael Donald

          Your guide to Dynamics 365 implementation is comprehensive and well-organized! It covers essential aspects from planning to execution, which is crucial for businesses considering adopting Dynamics 365. Choosing the right Dynamics 365 Implementation Partner is key to achieving seamless integration and optimal use of the platform’s capabilities. Your insights provide a clear roadmap for businesses looking to embark on this journey. Thank you for sharing such valuable information!

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