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    Maximize Business Growth via Optimizing AS400 Applications

    What comes to your mind when you think about your AS400 applications?

    • Is it the robustness of the IBM i/AS400 system that has been around for 30+ years?
    • Is it the operational efficiency that you achieved through AS400 applications?
    • Is it the unshakable performance & scalability that your IBM i/AS400 offers?

    We know you must have recalled all that you just read.

    A positive outlook makes you grateful for believing in the power of the IBM i/AS400 system.

    But, on the other hand, you can outcompete your business rivals who are relying on the same technology, when you focus on technological growth.

    When we say technological growth or advancements of your AS400 applications, what crosses your mind?

    • Is it the fresh AS400 application development?
    • Is it AS400 application modernization to support the change?
    • Is it AS400 application migration to support scalability & flexibility?
    • Is it the maximized business growth with your AS400 investments, to date?

    As a business leader, growth is something that you must focus on.

    And growth demands technological advancements, it demands improved focus on the changing business needs, it demands quick adaptation to change.

    Let’s understand how you can maximize your AS400 investments by optimizing your AS400 applications to harness greater value, performance, and results.

    Let’s begin!

    AS400 Application Integration – Enable the Modern Solutions

    AS400 application integration is essential as it allows different software systems to work together seamlessly as a well-coordinated team.

    Think of it as the glue that binds the IBM i/AS400 system to other modern applications, databases, and services. This integration is critical in today’s connected world, where data and processes must flow seamlessly between different platforms.

    By enabling the integration of AS400 applications, you can optimize your AS400 investment. Rather than isolating the AS400 in its own little world, integration opens up endless possibilities.

    You can leverage the power of your existing AS400 applications and data by leveraging the latest cloud technologies and services. So you can modernize your IT infrastructure, increase efficiency and remain competitive without giving up your reliable AS400 system.

    In short, AS400 application integration is key to realizing the full potential of your AS400 investment and future-proofing your business operations. It ensures seamless data exchange, seamless workflows and encourages innovation by bridging the gap between legacy systems and modern technologies.

    What are some successful AS400 application integration strategies?

    When it comes to successful AS400 application integration, you need a battle-tested integration strategy that works wonders for you.

    Here are 3 battle-tested AS400 application integration strategies that you can trust.

    Build an AS400 Integration

    Building AS400 integration is an ongoing process for organizations as their AS400 ecosystem evolves.

    It’s like customizing your system to your unique needs, which is great! However, this can be a challenging task that requires significant code changes and longer implementation times.

    In addition, internal resources are required to maintain the integration. But don’t worry, it’s worth it!

    Using Integration Connectors

    You don’t want to build an integration?

    No worries!

    There are dedicated IBM iSeries integration platforms to make your life easier!

    They come with preconfigured connectors for your application. You can set up your AS400 application integration very quickly and easily.

    These connectors are faster and are capable of processing thousands of transactions per second!

    That not to be all, they also enable the sharing of data and services from AS400 solutions via a reusable API. This allows you to seamlessly upgrade your AS400 system and get the most out of your investment.

    Using APIs

    Do you know what’s the best part about integrating AS400 applications using APIs?

    You get to do it at considerably lower costs and with a much better user experience than other options.

    And the API is the magic behind it!

    They allow you to upgrade your legacy IBM i/AS400 system without spending a lot of money.

    Using the APIs, you can securely share data from the AS400 database with other applications without affecting the original source. It’s like a win-win – upgrade without breaking your budget!

    AS400 Application Migration – Enable the Scale

    AS400 application migration enables your IBM i/AS400 system with greater scalability, flexibility, and operational efficiency. This allows you the leverage to scale the resources as and when needed.

    When you decide to move your AS400 applications to a cloud platform, you are opening up new avenues for robust security measures to protect your data & applications from potential threats.

    How does AS400 application integration help optimize AS400 investments? – You may ask.

    First of all, when you switch to a cloud environment, you opt to do away with the expensive on-premise infrastructure. And, this means relief from infrastructure, hardware, and maintenance costs.

    Your team gets to focus on core business growth and innovation instead of burning their energies on managing and maintaining on-premise hardware.

    In addition to this, if you choose to work with the pay-as-you-go cloud model, you only pay for the resources that you use, which means additional cost and resource optimization.

    Overall, migrating AS400 applications to the cloud not only uplifts your IT infrastructure but also helps you get the most out of your existing investments and make your business more agile and competitive.

    What are the different routes that you can choose for AS400 application migration?

    If you are a core believer in the power of IBM i/AS400 systems and want to stick to it, no worries. You can still choose to migrate to a cloud environment to supercharge your AS400 application performance & scalability.

    Here are 3 core approaches to AS400 application migration that you can choose from –

    Lift & Shift Approach to AS400 Application Migration

    The lift and shift approach to AS400 migration is like moving your entire IBM i/AS400 to the cloud environment.

    In this approach, you don’t make any changes to the functional aspect of your AS400 applications. You simply shift them up to the cloud environment.

    It’s ideal to work with an AS400 application migration service provider to help you with this transformative endeavour. They help you move your AS400 applications and data to the cloud environment with minimal tweaks, risk assessment, and contingency planning.

    Besides, they also ensure that your AS400 applications are running with a backup on your old on-premise hardware, to time the cloud migration is successful.

    You get to leverage the scalability, performance, and security of the cloud platform with a lift-and-shift approach. Yet, there are many core benefits that cloud platforms offer which you decline via choosing this approach, such as the benefits of modern technology, user interface, etc.

    Refactoring Approach to AS400 Application Migration

    The refactoring approach refers to the process of cloud migration where you make respective changes to your AS400 application to better leverage the new cloud environment.

    Unlike the lift and shift approach to migration where you don’t make any substantial changes to the applications and the code base, refactoring involves prominent changes in the large code bases.

    With the changes in the application code, functionality, and regression testing are given in the new cloud environment.

    With the cloud environment in play, resource allocation and utilization is a crucial aspect that requires special attention, as inappropriate allocation may incur high costs to your pockets.

    It’s ideal to engage a reliable AS400 application migration service provider to carry out the transition.

    AS400 migration with refactoring is certainly a time-consuming endeavour. But, if you are looking for long-term cost savings, higher returns on investments, and coping with the changing business requirements, it’s ideal for you.

    Replatforming Approach to AS400 Application Migration

    The re-platforming approach for cloud migration refers to rehosting your AS400 applications on the new cloud environment, inclusive of some changes to the application to make the most out of the new environment.

    When we say changes, these changes are not as major as they could be in the refactoring migration approach. Yet, these code modifications are significant and help your AS400 application leverage better elasticity and scalability in terms of resources.

    Roping in a reliable AS400 application migration vendor to perform re-platforming is considered ideal as it mitigates unforeseen risks. They help you set up automation processes and establish distinct channels for data exchange from databases to AS400 applications.

    When you choose the re-platforming approach for AS400 migration, you leverage considerably high-cost savings as compared to the other two approaches we discussed. This approach allows you to start small and scale as per your economic and energy convenience.

    AS400 Application Modernization – Enable Growth

    AS400 Application modernization is essential to breathe new life into your old AS400 applications.

    It ensures your business remains relevant, competitive, and efficient in today’s rapidly changing technology landscape.

    The AS400 application upgrade allows you to take full advantage of your existing investments. Rather than tearing down your entire AS400 system and starting from scratch, an upgrade extends the life of your valuable applications.

    By updating the user interface, simplifying processes, and integrating new functions, you can improve the user experience and productivity.

    In addition, modernization provides better integration with modern tools, data analytics, and cloud services, allowing your organization to harness the power of cutting-edge technologies.

    This, in turn, increases operational efficiency and helps make better decisions.

    In short, modernizing your AS400 applications is important because it future-proofs your business, increases productivity, and maximizes the return on your AS400 investment while preserving the core functionality of your legacy applications today and beyond.

    What are the core benefits of AS400 application modernization?

    Enhanced User Experience

    The first disruptive benefit that AS400 application modernization brings to you is enhanced user experience. Your IBM i/AS400 users no longer have to stick their eyes to the age-old green screens!

    Your AS400 applications get a complete makeover with modern design principles which in turn stimulates improved user engagement and user satisfaction and enhanced productivity.

    Revised Security & Compliances

    AS400 application modernization is an opportunity to rewire & seize the security loopholes before the modern-day cyber attackers pin-point!

    We need to agree to the fact that legacy applications are getting more and more vulnerable to modern-day cyber threats.

    With AS400 modernization, you can get the necessary security compliances done to implement battle-tested data integrity and security measures.

    Agility & Flexibility

    Today’s marketplaces have become a lot more dynamic than ever.

    To cope with the changing business needs and adapt to the ever-changing business landscape, agility & flexibility are must-have traits for your AS400 ecosystem.

    How can you achieve that?

    Simple, with AS400 modernization. In one shot, you get to leverage modern solutions and a newly improved cloud environment with higher scalability.

    This in turn makes you ready to adapt to the changing business needs and stay at the forefront of your game.

    The Competitive Advantage

    This is the most unsung benefit that IBM i/AS400 users realize, to date.

    Competitive advantage is not always about how versatile your client portfolio is or how deep your service/product offerings are!

    Early adoption of changing business needs and technological advancements to catch the pace of change promises a sheer competitive advantage.

    When you choose to go with AS400 application modernization, you are enabling your IBM i/AS400 ecosystem for unwavering innovation and customer satisfaction.

    Competitive advantage can be good, to begin with, but you soon can expect to double the market share, and improve customer satisfaction, and business growth!


    As a business leader, business growth is the outcome that you are focused on. But, it’s better to realize that your technology is the vehicle that drives you to your destination.

    If you are willing to maximize your business growth, you must fuel your technology to keep it current with the technological trends.

    We hope this piece has given you a wider perspective on various routes that you can take to reach your ultimate goal, business growth.

    If you are looking for an AS400 application development technology partner who can empathize with your business scenario and help you find the right way out to succeed, drop us a line at [email protected]. Our experts will get back to you in 48 business hours.

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