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    How can Integrative Systems BPCS ERP LX Consulting help Transform your Business?

    Integrative Systems provides a wide range of services for BPCS systems or ERP LX deployments. ERP LX is a venerable ERP system. Previously named as BPCS ERP LX, ERP LX is the successor to BPCS, developed by SSA. ERP LX runs on many IBM systems. Most notably, the ERP system runs on IBM AS/400 or IBM System platforms.

    There are numerous companies still running BPCS, while some others have upgraded to ERP LX. Irrespective of whether a BPCS system or ERP LX is operational, Integrative Systems can provide services such as:

    • Application development, application customizations, and module development.
    • Integrating BPCS systems ERP/ERP LX into an existing technology landscape.
    • BPCS or ERP LX maintenance, support, and helpdesk operations (onsite and remote).
    • Modernization services for BPCS/ERP LX.
    • Business process optimization; migration services, and BPCS systems consulting.
    • BPCS/ERP LX data management, analysis, and reporting.

    How can BPCS Consulting Trigger a Business Transformation?

    Businesses have varying challenges such as delivering ERP functionality smoothly, modernizing user interfaces, and making the business processes smooth. Despite having good RPG developers, organizations are constrained for time, effort, and cost. Because technology changes rapidly, and it could be difficult for your in-house IBMi development team to keep up with the pace.

    In such a scenario, businesses can choose third-party services instead of risking a movement to an ERP system or building a new capability with an in-house team.

    Integrative Systems remove the burden from organizations by being an active partner in change and transformation. A multi-pronged strategy for BPCS systems migration, modernization, and integration can help you in smooth business transformation.

    How can Integrative Systems Help with BPCS Integration?

    BPCS integration is the process of combining the system with external third-party software. It could be systems or software that organizations use every day that need to be integrated. On-demand systems that need seamless integration with the BPCS ERP could also be used for data ingestion or extraction.

    BPCS system integration can also be part of a larger goal to integrate all business functions to BPCS. It is done to create a single unified source of data and computation. By integrating sub-systems, business productivity increases, costs decrease, communication between business functions increases, and errors are reduced to a great extent.

    An integrated BPCS/BPCS LX ERP has real-time data updates and knowledge dissemination across the organization. Data is accessible to all stakeholders transparently via the BPCS system. Workflows run smoothly, processes function efficiently, the need for manual searches is eliminated, and duplicate data is removed.

    All data types such as inventory counts, accounting, sales, customer orders, catalogue, and price are synchronized. All key executives and representatives of the organization have access to real-time data. It ensures that all business departments are on same page while working in different sectors.

    Often, in BPCS integration, there could be a need for enhancements to facilitate integration. Integrative Systems can build new functionality that helps achieve seamless cross-functional integration.

    For manufacturers, their BPCS system or BPCS LX ERP is often at the core of their business operations. Manufacturing software systems can be 1-way, 2-way, or complex. Despite the type of systems, Integrative Systems can integrate systems of all complexity levels.

    Infor’s ION system integration platform is leveraged for integrations along with Business Object Documents (BODs). In addition to the inbuilt BODs, custom BODs can be built to apply to unique business requirements. Older installations that use BPCS do not use the ION system. The BPCS system installation can be enabled to communicate to any third-party system or internal sub-systems through adapters. These are special modules that facilitate the import or export of data to and from the system.

    How can Integrative Systems help businesses with BPCS ERP enhancements?

    Integrative Systems has expert knowledge of every BPCS version. Modifications and enhancements can be made and applied to every version to fulfill unique business requirements. BPCS code can be enhanced using exit points and ION. There is no need to change any existing code of a BPCS system. End-users can create workflows on their own. Even those with minimal software knowledge can create workflows.

    This type of feature enhancement can be created by Integrative Systems so that business users can start using the system with minimal training. ION has several workflows that are reusable because they are inbuilt. Such workflows can build new workflows and business processes into the BPCS systems to fulfill business needs.

    We have experience in data collection, management, manufacturing, execution systems, modernization, cloud integration, web accessibility, mobile accessibility, and re-engineering. We help organizations re-engineer their existing BPCS software, cloud-enable their existing application portfolio, and modernize their BPCS systems ERP applications.

    How can Integrative Systems Track And Monitor Production Applications to Enable Business Growth?

    Integrative Systems can build BPCS system applications to help manufacturers accurately track and monitor their activities. Manufacturers can obtain real-time data generated at production sites by closing the gap between lean manufacturing initiatives and BPCS/BPCS LX ERP. Applications can be built to run on IBMi Power Systems. Applications can be used by core functions of a business process or a manufacturing process.

    These applications can be used by business processes such as job management, capacity balancing, labor time collection, downtime control, production support and monitoring, quality assurance, and parts management. Real-time dashboards enable operations staff to plan daily processes well in advance. Reporting features enable traceability. Product quality can be controlled and reported. Setup, downtime, and wait-time can be analyzed and reported.

    Tracking and monitoring of the BPCS system make the production environment to be paperless. There is no paper-based data entry. Data is recorded as it happens. Data can be accessed from all types of personal digital assistance, such as mobile phones, laptops, or desktops.

    Tracking and monitoring BPCS applications can enhance business productivity in various ways:

    • If employees waste time in manual data entry, filling out forms to report labor output, this system needs a change. Electronically captured production hours improve job tracking, costing, and scheduling.
    • When inventory counts are being reported at the time of consumption, it doesn’t give insight into material shortages or overages. Instead, a proactive way of inventory reporting has to be implemented using BPCS systems.
    • Historical data that is obsolete and not updated doesn’t provide any value, but real-time data as provides valuable insights. BPCS applications can be modified to carry out such used cases.
    • Production environments that produce a lot of paperwork need to go paperless. It can be done by transitioning all production data dependencies to an electronic medium using BPCS software.
    • Production reporting has moved away from mid-day meetings to real-time production tracking by way of BPCS applications.

    What are the production performance parameters that can be monitored with BPCS implementation?

    BPCS/ERP LX implementation has helped manufacturers achieve high visibility into their manufacturing operations. On a day-to-day basis, manufacturing companies could perform production analytics on multiple business functions. They could accommodate varying levels of customer demand and use smart resource allocation methods to fulfill customer needs. Some of the areas that manufacturers were able to gain better visibility through BPCS systems reporting are:

    • Labor, overhead analysis, and materials analysis
    • Order operations, status, and in-process orders
    • Production quality, labor productivity, labor efficiency, labor utilization
    • Machine productivity, machine efficiency, machine utilization, and machine output

    Some of the maintenance and repair performance areas that could be monitored and improved with Integrative Systems BPCS systems implementation are:

    • Machine downtime monitoring; unplanned events planning.
    • Equipment maintenance planning, historical analysis, maintenance schedules, and backup.
    • Machine utilization planning by analyzing backlog and setting up appropriate guards for better machine utilization with BPCS ERP LX.
    • Work order status monitoring to identify potential delays.


    Integrative Systems help businesses upgrade their existing BPCS setup. Our technical experts have decades of experience in BPCS/ERP BPCS consulting. We can build custom BPCS systems applications to support your manufacturing, production, distribution, and warehouse processes. We assure quality, support, and service for all our solutions, deployments, and installations. You can choose us to realize full value of your software investment over the short or long term. Connect with us at [email protected] and share your requirements.

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