IBMi AS/400

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    Know About the Working of IBM AS400

    The IBM AS/400 is one of the robust and the most modern operating systems in use today. The AS400 runs on operating system 400 or OS/400. It has an independent machine layer that sits between the hardware and the processor. The processors have changed multiple times in the past few years while preserving software compatibility.

    Several questions related to AS400 are available on the internet as people continuously search for their answers. We have tried to answer some of the problems in this post.

    How AS400 Works?

    IBM AS400 system has been a strategic asset and benchmark of reliability for various organizations in the contemporary landscape. For heavy-duty data processing, organizations still rely on IBM AS400 iSeries. The application system helps organizations in maximizing existing resources and reap benefits like:

    • Improve responsiveness with utility provisioning
    • Reduce risk and improve operational efficiency
    • Enhance process efficiency and risk management
    • Decrease in the total cost of ownership

    How to Use AS400?

    To use AS400 software, you need the Mocha TN5250 program. It is an emulator for MS-DOS and provides access to IBM AS400 mainframes and imitates a 5250-information display system. You can connect to AS/400 in three ways:

    • Choose the connect icon from the toolbar
    • Make use of Menu-file-connect or edit/new session
    • Provide the IP address for the host as a program parameter.

    How to Debug A Batch Job in AS400?

    Follow the Instructions Step by Step to Debug the Batch Mode:

    • Submit your program to batch. The job MUST be held. You can either have the job queue (HLDJOBQ) or have the individual position (HLDJOB) or specify HOLD(*YES) on the SBMJOB command.
    • Use any of the following commands WRKSBMJOB or WRKUSRJOB or WRKACTJOB and find your submitted job. Note that the SBMJOB command gives you an informational message with the job name/number. It would help if you had the job name, user ID, and job number – the fully qualified job name.
    • STRSRVJOB on the held batch job.
    • STRDBG on your program. Specify UPDPROD(*YES) if needed. You’ll see the source listing if you compiled with DBGVIEW(*LIST) or *SOURCE.
    • Press F12 to exit.
    • Release the job so that it becomes STATUS(*ACTIVE).
    • You’ll see a display asking if you want to debug or continue—Press F10 to debug.
    • Use DSPMODSRC to see the source listing again. Now you can add your breakpoints if you want.
    • Press F3 until you’re back to the “debug or continue” display. Press Enter to run the program with your breakpoints set.
    • The process breaks at the first breakpoint installed and gives you the control.
    • When you’re done, do an ENDDBG and ENDSRVJOB

    How to Check OS Version in AS400?

    There are various ways to check the OS version in IBM AS400, but here is the best way to do this-
    Type DSPJOB OUTPUT(*PRINT) from a command line and press ENTER. (This Command will create a spool file within the system and show information about the latest inactive jobs). And at the top of every AS400 OS generated by the DSPJOB command, you will find the versions of the operating system.

    How to Find an IP address in AS400?

    To find the IP address of your IBM AS/400 installation, follow these steps:

    • Enter WKRTCPSTS *IFC (If this Command shows up multiple IP addresses, you can also check IP address through another way. Enter your catalog name from the iSeries command line). This way, you will get to know the resolved IP address for your system.
    • Or you may record the IP address to use for the Sterling B2B Integrator installation

    How to Create A Command in AS400?

    Definition of command object: It is an object that can be stored in the (QGPL) general-purpose library or a user library.

    To renovate an active command (for example, modify the name of one of its constraint keywords), the already existing Command must be deleted by using Delete Command (DLTCMD). Then it should be created again by using (CRTCMD) Create Command. Moreover, you can also change some values by (CHGCMD) Change Command.

    If you want to create a command in AS/400, you need to enter a set of command definition statements need to be entered in the source file. To create Command, use (CRTCMD) command and process the source file to create the command object.

    How to Create A Physical File in AS400?

    The physical file is a database for all the data records of an organization, and the data records are grouped with physical file members. Furthermore, each group member has a data access path.

    Generally, database files have only one member by default, and it is added to the file at the time of creation. If the required physical file has a track record setup with only one character needed or the existing file is the source file, the DDS source file will not be necessary.

    After its creation, to prevail characteristics of the file, use the (OVRDBF) command before the file is opened. To change file features after its design, use the (CHGPF) change physical file command.

    The (CRTPF) Create Physical File command will create a physical file from the information stated and (optionally) from the (DDS) data description specifications confined in a source file.

    How to Check Library Size in AS400?

    Generally, to Retrieve Library Description (QLIRLIBD) API is called, and it displays the total size of objects stored in the library.

    To get more info about libraries, use the RTVOBJD command. (It will retrieve the size of library objects). The size of library objects may get longer than expected as it consists of a list of items, among other things.

    Have more questions or issues related to IBM AS400 or IBM iSeries? Feel free to connect with us. Integrative Systems is an INC 5000 company based in Chicago, USA. The company has an experience of more than 20 years in IBM-related support and services.

    The company is a silver business partner of IBM and has a long clientele list from various verticals. At Integrative Systems, customer success comes before company success, and we believe in developing a long-term relationship with our clients.

    Share your requirements with us at [email protected], and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours with the best possible solutions on IBM iSeries.


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